Students who are new to leeds don't know the city that well.
WHO NEEDS TO KNOW? (who is your audience? Be concise no more then ten words.)
Students who are new to Leeds and feel lost
WHAT DO THEY NEED TO KNOW? (be clear and specific.)
To get to know the city better they need to be more aware of things going on within the city. Events,gallery exhibitions etc.They also need to know general things about the city such as best places to go for a meal,best pub, and what the public transport is like.
WHY DO THEY NEED TO KNOW? (be clear and specific.)
Because it makes them feel more comfortable with their new surroundings. They wont feel lost and vulnerable walking around. Knowing where you're going at night and what transport is available at night is vital.
WHAT WILL THEY RESPOND TO?(How will they connect/understand the outcome?)
An interactive video tour guide of leeds complete with check list for the best sights/attractions.
They will connect by going around the town center with the checklist and tick things off they see.
WHAT RESEARCH IS REQUIRED? (What do you need to know in order to complete this brief to the fullest potential?)
Photos of the city attractions and events. Collecting leaflets promoting events and look at tour guide techniques. Question the current first years who were new to leeds how they adapted to a new city.
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